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The city in Figures

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This solution integrates different statistical data updated to know the basic figures of the municipality, with both visual and interactive broadcasting. Tables, figures, charts, maps and population pyramids are available for a prompt region understanding.

All the information is reusable and charts and maps can be downloaded to graphic and vectorial formats; data that shape maps and charts can be displayed in a table mode and be downloaded both in xls and csv format.

All data emanates from official sources and is continuosly updated.

2. Labour Market

Total contracts

103.856 contracts

Growth in the last year: -10,2%Estabilidad
Period:March 2024
Source:Public employment service (SEPE). Elaborated by Madrid City Council. General Subdirectory of Statistics.

Total registered contracts

Registred contracts
Registred contracts by sex

Open-ended labour contracts

51.076 contracts

Growth in the last year: -19,6%Estabilidad
Period:March 2024
Source:Public employment service (SEPE). Elaborated by Madrid City Council. General Subdirectory of Statistics.

Number of open-ended labour contracts at SEPE branches during the month.

Registred open-ended contracts
Registred open-ended contracts by sex

Fixed-term labour contracts

52.780 contracts

Growth in the last year: 1,1%Estabilidad
Period:March 2024
Source:Public employment service (SEPE). Elaborated by Madrid City Council. General Subdirectory of Statistics.

Number of fixed-term labour contracts at SEPE branches during the month.

Registred fixed-term contracts
Registred fixed-term contracts by sex

Total unemployement

146.168 unemployes

Growth in the last year: -2,1%Estabilidad
Period:March 2024
Source:Public employment service (SEPE). Elaborated by Madrid City Council. General Subdirectory of Statistics.

Total registered unemployment

Registred undemployed
Registred undemployed by sex

Distribution of the unemployed over the populatio between 16 to 64 years (%)
Distribution of the unemployed over the populatio between 16 to 64 years (%)

Distribution of the unemployed over the populatio between 16 to 64 years - males (%)
Distribution of the unemployed over the populatio between 16 to 64 years - females (%)

Social Security Affiliations by place of work

2.312.902 affiliations

Growth in the last year: 4,2%Estabilidad
Period:March 2024
Source:Social Security General Treasury and General Directorate of Economy, Statistics and Technological Innovation of the Comunidad de Madrid. General Subdirectorate of Statistics.

Number of Social Security Affiliations by place of work, the last day of the month (monthly data) or the 1st of January (annual data)

Afiliaciones a la Seguridad Social por lugar de trabajo
Afiliaciones a la Seguridad Social por lugar de trabajo y sexo

General regime affiliations by place of work over population between 16 and 64 years

92,9 afiliaciones

Period:December 2023
Source:Social Security General Treasury and General Directorate of Economy, Statistics and Technological Innovation of the Comunidad de Madrid. General Subdirectorate of Statistics.
Calculation:(afiliaciones a la Seguridad Social / población de 16 a 64 años)*100

Percentage of Social Security affiliations of persons that work within the municipality over working age population, the last day of the month (monthly data) or the 1st of January (annual data)

Afiliaciones por lugar de trabajo al régimen general sobre población de 16 a 64 años
Distribution of the general regime affiliations over the population between 16 and 64 years

Afiliaciones al régimen general por lugar de trabajo sobre población de 16 a 64 y sexo

Special regime affiliations for self-employed workers by place of work

202.423 affiliations

Growth in the last year: 2,3%Estabilidad
Period:March 2024
Source:Social Security General Treasury and General Directorate of Economy, Statistics and Technological Innovation of the Comunidad de Madrid. General Subdirectorate of Statistics.

Number of special regime affiliations for self-employed workers by place of work, the last day of the month (monthly data) or the 1st of January (annual data)

Afiliaciones por lugar de trabajo al régimen especial de trabajadores autónomos
Afiliaciones por lugar de trabajo al régimen especial de trabajadores autónomos y sexo

Self-employed workers by place of work over population between 16 and 64 years

9,1 %

Growth in the last year: 1,2%Estabilidad
Period:March 2024
Source:Social Security General Treasury and General Directorate of Economy, Statistics and Technological Innovation of the Comunidad de Madrid. General Subdirectorate of Statistics.

Percentage of special regime affiliations for self-employed workers by place of work on the resident population from 16 to 64 years of age, the last day of the month (monthly data) or the 1st of January (annual data)

Autónomos por lugar de trabajo sobre la población de 16 a 64 años
Distribution of the self-employed over the population between 16 to 64 years

Autónomos por lugar de trabajo sobre la población de 16 a 64 años y sexo

Employed (EPA)

1.631,7 ocupados

Growth in the last year: 5,9%Estabilidad
Period:Quarterly III 2023
Source:Occupied Population Survey. Own elaboration: Madrid City Council. Economy and Treasury Area. General Subdirectory of Statistics.
Calculation:Personas de dieciséis o más años que trabajan por cuenta ajena o ejercen una actividad por cuenta propia

INE estimated population over 16 years that have a job. Employment rate shows the percentage of employed over population within 16 and 64 years

Ocupados por sexo

Tasa de ocupados
Tasa de ocupados por sexo

Unemployed (EPA)

180,7 parados

Growth in the last year: -1,6%Estabilidad
Period:Quarterly III 2023
Source:Occupied Population Survey. Own elaboration: Madrid City Council. Economy and Treasury Area. General Subdirectory of Statistics.

INE estimated population older than 16 years that has no job and is searching for one. Unemployment rate shows the percentage of unemployed over active population. Active population includes employed plus unemployed.

Parados por sexo

Tasa de paro
Tasa de paro por sexo