Logotipo Logotipo
The city in figures
Socioeconomic information:

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The report is generated with the most updated data and shows a complete socioeconomic approach he municipality, through tables, maps and charts.

Data emanates from official sources with information about demography, labour market, cadastre, housing, economy, budgets, etc.

Labour market situation:

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Monthly reports show in an comprehensive manner and graphically the structure and evolution of the labour market (unemployed, workers and affiliated) in the municipality and its comparison with the province and Spain.

Reports are created when requested with the data from Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal

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Fiscal Transparency, incomes and expenses:

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Annual reports allow to comply with the Transparency Law as they reveal the municipal accounts in a clear and comprehensive manner through tables, maps, charts and rankings.

Reports are created when requested with the liquidated budget from the Ministerio de Hacienda and are compared to the rest of the province and country.

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